Welcome! This blog is my private blog. In this blog, Hopefully I will discuss a wide range of economic topics, including (but not only) Marxian Economics and Post-Keynesian Economics. As I'm Chinese and I'm living and studying in Liverpool, UK now. Maybe I'll also discuss something about UK or China economy. This blog is provided by platform 'Blogger'. I will write articles in English first, since this blog is designed to let me communicate with other people who are non-Chinese. However, once I am available I will translate these English articles into Chinese and publish them in my Zhihu(知乎,which means 'do you know it', a Chinese Q&A platform like Quora') private Column 'MarxianEconomics' . So my Chinese friends don't need to worry about to cannot understand my articles. Also, this blog is also designed for helping me practice my English writing ability. So if you find some errors about spelling or grammar or inappropriate word...
Study on Marxian Economics and real economic world.